Gettysburg at Hollywood Cemetery – John Wesley Culp

This is a continuation of my series on famous burials in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA. Other posts in the series can be viewed here.

Most Gettysburg nerds have heard of Wesley Culp – the boy from Gettysburg who went south and fought for the Confederacy. The story is that he was killed on Culp’s Hill (owned by members of his family) during the battle some time between July 2nd and 3rd, 1863.

John Wesley Culp
John Wesley Culp

As you can imagine, since we aren’t really sure when he died, we aren’t really sure where he died either. So we don’t know for sure where his remains ended up. That being said, he has a marker here at Hollywood:

The marker for John Wesley Culp. Photo by Scott L. Mingus, Sr.
The marker for John Wesley Culp. Photo by Scott L. Mingus, Sr.

This marker is located among the multitudes on Gettysburg Hill:

John Wesley Culp's marker is located at the red square.
John Wesley Culp’s marker is located at the red square.

I explain more about the controversy here (along with giving some more background on Private Culp) in the video below:

Video by George Skillman
In the next installment, we’re going to move away from the Gettysburg Hill section of the cemetery and explore some of the other notable landmarks.

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