Speaking of new beginnings….

This is the best picture we have yet of our son. My wife and I are expecting him any day now. He has a name, but we’re keeping it a secret for now.
Maybe that’s part of the reason that I’m sprucing things up around this little corner of the Internet. Perhaps this is the male computer nerd version of a nesting instinct. Whatever it is causing it, I want to have a nice place to talk about him.
It’s going to be a crazy ride.
just now seeing this. congrats, dude.
Thanks, Laura! My wife is going to be induced next Thursday, so we should have him here with us by Friday. Expect pictures!
hey, question. do you mind if i promote you a little on my blog? i have a few readers who are history buffs, and they might like to read what you’ve got to say.
No Laura. Please don’t. I would HATE for people to read my stuff.
hahahaha, it’s done then.
I also took the liberty of adding you to my blogroll. Hope YOU don’t mind.